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Blackburn Volunteers Honoured by Gloucester

Published in The BANAR May 1997
by Amy Nolan

At the Gloucester Volunteer Recognition Award Ceremony for 1997, six of the nineteen winners were Blackburn Hamlet residents.

The presentations were held on April 6 in conjunction with the opening celebrations at the new city hall. Mayor Claudette Cain welcomed everyone and reminded us of the important role volunteers play in our community. The masters of ceremony, Mr. Pierre Jolicoeur and Ms. Liz Fauteux outlined the accomplishments of each committed individual, and the councillors of the different wards presented the honours.


Evelyn Budd AwardThe first Blackburn resident to receive an award was Evelyn Budd.

Evelyn has coached minor hockey for six years, basketball for two years, and has served as a trainer, assistant coach and ice scheduler for the Gloucester Girl’s Hockey Association. She has been a parent volunteer at many local schools, as well as serving 24 years as an adult volunteer within the Girl Guide Movement. Evelyn has spent the past 18 years as a teacher, Junior Coordinator and organizer of the Junior Bell Choir at the Rothwell United Church. She began the Fruit Stand at the annual Blackburn Fun Fair and she still canvasses door-to-door for the Cancer Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation, The Salvation Army and Kidney Foundation. Thanks for more than twenty years involvement in the community.

Since Terry and Elizabeth Huculak moved to Blackburn Hamlet in 1988 they have been heavily involved with sports in their community. Terry has served on the Blackburn Minor Association Board of Directors for the past six years as Hockey School Convenor, Novice Convenor, Vice-president of Hockey Operations and most recently as Atom House League Convenor. When spring arrives he organizes a post-season ice hockey tournament, as well as a summer hockey program for Blackburn residents.

Elizabeth is the Special Events Coordinator on the Blackburn Minor Hockey Association Executive Committee and for the past three years she has been the tournament chairperson and organizer for the Gloucester Peewee House League Hockey Tournament. During the summer months when ice is not available Elizabeth turns her energies to coaching a ball hockey team, as well as serving as an area coordinator for the Canadian Cancer Society for the past two years.

They have both been involved with the Blackburn Fun Fair, representing BMFIA activities and directing the parade for the past two years. We thank-you for your tireless work.

Iris Phillips AwardIris Phillips’ volunteer work not only improves lives, but helps save them as well. Her work with the Canadian Cancer Society, the Lupus Society, the Heart Fund, CHEO and the Salvation Army is greatly appreciated. She also contributes precious hours to the Brownies, babysitting co-ops, Gloucester Arts Council, Shepherds of Good Hope, Fun Fair, single mothers support group and volunteer teaching at Blackburn Public School. She works with clean-up, recycling, and environmental projects within the community. As it was said during the ceremony, “Iris is one of those people who walks gently on the earth but leaves footprints for all of us to try to follow.”


Stewart and Kim Shonfield AwardStewart and Kim Shonfield have been sharing their time with the community for over two decades.

Since moving to Blackburn, Stewart has coached for the Blackburn Minor Hockey Association at most age levels, has convened a hockey school and has served on the Blackburn Minor Hockey Association Executive. He also helps organize Blackburn Little League and has served on the Board of Directors for the Ottawa-Vanier Kiwanis Club for eight years.

Kim has been a Block Parent since 1987, served on the Blackburn Ladies Softball Executive Committee for five years and through them has organized the Donut Corner at the Blackburn Fun Fair. She has also volunteered as a team manager for many hockey teams and is currently a team leader for BMHA Bingo. Thanks for sharing your time with us.

We all know Blackburn Hamlet would not be the community it is without the hard work and dedication of volunteers such as these.

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