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Blackburn in for many changes

Published in The BANAR June 1998
by Al Ross

Community Hall Update

The architect has sketched 6 layout options for the Community Hall and these plans have been reviewed
with the City, BCA and RPB. Based upon feedback, a seventh option is under preparation and will be reviewed May 26th. The total building enclosed area will be approximately 2100 -2200 sq. ft. with useful activity area of 1100 sq. ft. These are very approximate sizes based upon the available budget, and will vary slightly depending upon the layout selected. The hall will have a small kitchen area, storage facilities, and washrooms.

Request for tenders are still planned for July, with construction to start in August. The hall is expected to be completed in early November. We will be looking for support from the community and sponsors for furnishings, trophy case, and activity equipment. If anybody could give us a hand with this , or knows any contractors that would like to bid on this facility, please contact me.

Blackburn Arena Renovations Planned

Tenders are in for a $175,000 renovation to the Blackburn Arena. The selected tender will be formally approved at the Council Meeting on May 26th. Work commences July 20th, and should be completed in time for the hockey season by Sept 1st. The work consists of a complete reconstruction of the bleachers in concrete, and the installation of spectator glass along the south boards. Spectator space will be slightly increased. A new public entrance will be installed on the South wall and will be fully wheelchair accessible. Storage space will be available under the bleachers, and will be accessible through doors facing the main parking lot. The existing front entrance will still be in service and the sports shop will be relocated close to this entrance. The PA gondola will be relocated closer to a corner, which will also provide for a small meeting room for the BMHA. Plans will be submitted to council at their next meeting for the expansion of the canteen area by about 55 sq. ft.

Innes Road Improvements

The Engineering & Design work for Innes Road improvement (sidewalks and ditches). was approved by Budget Committee on May 11 and will be formally approved by council at the May 26th Council Meeting. The planning will be carried out this year, with construction planned for 1999.

Esso Pipeline

Esso has informed their pipeline customers in the Hamlet, that they plan to retire the pipeline service this summer. We have been working with the City and many of the people involved with the oil companies and developers at the time the subdivision was first constructed, and have been unable to come up with any documentation that requires Esso to continue with this service. More than half of the 315 residents have accepted the oil company’s offer of an installed oil tank for $1.00.

The shut down is planned for July 15th, at which time the tank on Bearbrook will be removed. The system will be purged by vacuum, then every house in the Hamlet that is connected (whether active or not) to the pipeline will be visited to have their lateral feed line individually purged. Esso have hired a consulting firm that specializes in this type of work, and the cleanup will carried out as required by the Fuel Safety Branch of the Province of Ontario. Purging of the pipeline system is expected to take 6 – 8 weeks.

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