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Great time at Funfair 2000!

Published in The BANAR September 2000
by Neil Papineau

It was another great Fun Fair with Mother Nature cooperating as usual. Considering the weather we have received this summer we were fortunate for the great weather on June 3rd and June 4th. There were record crowds on both days enjoying all the activities of the fair.

I would like to thank all our corporate sponsors this year who gave so show with Stunt Man Stu of the Bear radio station performing. It was too bad that not more youth came out to enjoy the show. The committee went all out for something great for the youth of our community. The dinner dance on Saturday night was a big hit with excellent food and a great evening of dancing.

I would like to thank all the volunteers from all the organizations who worked during Fun Fair. Special note to the Scouts and the Guides who worked at so many activities. A grand merci to the directors of Fun Fair who worked over many months to be ready for this fair. Please see the list below for the directors who made the fair happen.

Fun Fair 2001 planning must start this fall. A chairperson and vice chairperson are needed as well as some new directors to fill in vacancies for next year.

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