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Published in The BANAR June 1976

A Message from the Fun Fair Chairwoman:

The sun shone on the community boys and girls who so willingly participated in the early morning parade on Fun Fair day. It was wonderful to see over 90 of our young people with decorated bikes and in costume, as well as the marchers proudly displaying their banners and flags. They were eager to get to the arena grounds to see a spectacular parachute jump by our own Nick Serba and his friend, Ted Havrot. Never before has a contribution like this been made to Blackburn.

The day was filled with activity for all ages, and the dance in the evening gave everyone a chance to unwind.

The Blackburn Youth Council, under the direction of Caroline Jorgensen, presented a Variety Show on May 28. This was well attended and enjoyed by children, teens and adults. There is obviously a wealth of talent in our community! The proceeds from the Show were donated to the Fun Fair. My thanks to the BYC!

I would like to say a big “thank-you” to all those who worked and made the Fair a success. This includes almost everyone in Blackburn! A special thanks to my Co-Chairwoman – Isabel Cooke, Secretary – Fran Black, Treasurer – Paul Lardner — all the co-ordinators and convenors who did a tremendous job. The Brownies, Guides, Rangers, Land and Sea Scouts, Venturers, and Army Cadets are to be commended for their great community service. Thanks too to all the willing workers that day, and all the supporters — it takes everyone of us to make a Fair.

We really appreciated the way the children and teenagers were so willing to help when they were needed. We are very proud of them. A big thank-you to the Business Community who generously supported our Fair (listed in this Banar), to the many people who put on displays and stage acts, to the various church groups, the Kinsmen and Kinettes, and the Lion’s Club.

Our Treasurer, Paul Lardner, has been ill. We hope Paul is well soon so he and Bey can enjoy their new daughter. A financial report will appear in the September Banar. This year’s Fair brought in over $10,000. The following recommendation from the Fun Fair Committee has been presented to the Blackburn Community Association Executive:

  1. Purchase the Candy Floss Machine ($750.00);
  2. Balance of profits to be used for park development In Blackburn Hamlet.

It is wonderful to see so many children enjoying the Bearbrook Park facilities. We are happy to have been able to help provide some of this.

See you at Fun Fair ’77.
JoAnne Cottingham

FunFair 1996

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