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Fun Fair 2002

Published in The BANAR September 2002

A Local Event That Defines Community
by Paul Graham

Wind, rain and more wind did not stop the 31st Annual Fun Fair from taking place. The traditional parade, Dunk Bozo, midway, pet judging and home show were all well attended. The new activities of Art in the Park and Music in the Park were also well received by all. The high winds caused havoc with the tents and created anxiety for the fireworks. Fortunately the winds settled and a spectacular fireworks display took place courtesy of our corporate sponsor, Lafarge.

Fun Fair is a wonderful tradition that not only kicks off summer but also raises money for the volunteer groups that help stage the event. The funds distributed to community groups this year exceeded nine thousand dollars. Groups have received their shares and are now enjoying the benefit of their volunteer contributions.

The organizing committee, volunteer groups, corporate sponsors and City of Ottawa staff deserve our community’s gratitude for a job well done.

The new chairperson, Gord Hawley will begin to plan the 32nd Annual Fun Fair in September. Please consider joining the organizing committee and help maintain this wonderful Blackburn Hamlet tradition.

Funfair 2002

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