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Fun Fair 1995

Published in The BANAR September 1995
Blackburn Together – Tous Ensemble
by Brett Maxwell

Despite the rain, the residents of Blackburn and area proved once again that they have heart and will enjoy our Fun Fair whatever the weather!

There were scattered showers on Friday while we were setting up, but it wouldn’t DARE rain on our Parade, and it did not.

One of the most colourful parades in Fun Fair history led off this year’s event.

Saturday, June 3 started off very wet, so wet, in fact, that we felt that the Fun Fair was being held in the “Bearbrook Lakes”. Most activities planned for the morning did take place, though; some being moved into the tent, others moving inside Emily Carr School, and others being delayed a few hours.

The Fun Jog and the Children’s Races had to be cancelled .

Radio stations were advised that the Fun Fair was still on, and by noon more outdoor activities were possible.

The Auction was held in the “Big Tent”, the midway was still popular, and the General Store became a fair within a fair with Candy Floss and Children’s Playland being moved inside.

What a relief when Sunday dawned sunny and warm – a perfect day for the Volleyball Tournament, Softball Tournament finals, Bed Races, free swimming at the Bearbrook Pool, and the Interdenominational Prayer Service.

Some of the features added in 1994 were continued (bicycle rodeo, silent auction at the Supper Dance, Interdenominational Prayer Service) and other new features were added. The Volleyball tournament (sponsored by Max Volleyball) attracted four teams; Playland attracted close to 100 children to play with toys and games supplied by Jocus Toys and to paint figurines supplied by That Plaster Place; a new Basketball Challenge for teens
was created by the Knights of Columbus; a mini-golf course was supplied by Child Info; the Baking Contest attracted many entrants; and many observed a display by the Conservation Service of the NCC.

My sincere thanks go to all who contributed to the success of Fun Fair ’95 and particularly to the Directors of Fun Fair, members of the Fun Fair Committee and their families:

Assistant Coordinator: Rosemary vanDe Visch

Auction: Louise Linney (Director), Lucy and Roger Garneau, Ah Hatson, Mary Grey

Facilities: Iris Phillips (Director), Rainer Bloess, Chris Noyes Fair

Features: Viviane Côté-Maxwell

Finance: Neil Monis

Food: Edelgard LeLacheur, Michèle Hundertmark (Directors)

Fundraising: Michelle Therien (Director), Lucy Garneau

General Store: Elaine Lamkamp (Director), Evanee Kenward, Lee Faller

Midway: Dominique Gohard (Director), Sandra Patrick

Parade: Carol Wilcox (Director), Terry Huculak

Publicity: Rosemary VanDe Visch

Seniors Activities: Rollie Sanders

Treasurer: Marlene Ward

And finally, last, but by no means least, a very special thank you goes to all our sponsors – over 175 or them! In particular, three deserve special mention as corporate sponsors as a result of their superb contributions to Fun Fair.

Joel LaPalme of LOEB Blackburn was outstanding in his support through donations, his enthusiastic participation, the best pricing possible for food and providing the reefer truck, Hamburger Express wagon, and BBQ’s, notwithstanding greater costs to him.

Tony Rubino of Lafarge Construction Materials provided us with a substantial
cash donation and the float truck and trailer for the parade (although even he was not certain of that until the last minute!).

The City of Gloucester lets us use Bearbrook Park, provides us with storage for the Fun Fair trailer all year, a cash grant, loans us many items for the Fair and is most cooperative in obtaining the formal approvals required.

Please support all our sponsors as they have supported us!

FunFair 1995

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