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Blackburn FUNFAIR 2019—A Huge Success!

Published in The BANAR September 2019
by Brent Lawrie, Blackburn FUNFAIR Chair

Another exceptional FUNFAIR kicked off summer 2019! The weather was great Friday night, and all day and night on Saturday. All the excellent events, great entertainment and carnival rides were bustling with an abundance of community participation. Sunday was a little wet this year, but it didn’t dampen the attendance for the 1k and 5k FunRuns or the excellent Dog Show and other events that were held in the arena.

Thanks to our supporters and fantastic community, $15 000, will be distributed back to our community organizations, school programs and associations within Blackburn. Distribution of honourariums and a full list of sponsors and contributors to our Silent Auction, will be reported in the next BANAR after our ‘wrap up’ meeting in September.

I would also like to express my gratitude to all the great volunteers on the organizing committee and those that helped during the FUNFAIR weekend, an event of this magnitude could not happen without their time and dedication. I enjoy immensely working with this great team, but, after five years as the chairman of the FUNFAIR organizing committee, I will be stepping down from this position and passing the reins to Ian Chamberland who will take on the chairman’s position for FUNFAIR 2020. I will still be on the organizing committee, to help Ian with the transition, and help out in another position. Ian has some great ideas for next years FUNFAIR and I know it will be in great hands and he will have continued support from all of us.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for next year’s FUNFAIR, which will be Friday the 5th to Sunday the 7th of June, 2020.

Thanks to all, Brent

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