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Community Closet – Adult Clothing

Blackburn Community Hall 190 Glen Park Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Schedule: 09h00 – 11h00 – seniors and adults who benefit from a quiet environment 11h00 – 13h00 – families 13h00 – 16h30 – everyone More details will be posted soon! To donate clothing or volunteer contact

Blackburn Hamlet Annual Spring Clean-up

Blackburn Community Hall 190 Glen Park Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Along with many other communities of the Ottawa area, the Blackburn Community Association holds an annual Spring Clean-Up.  Please volunteer to help us out; we will assign you a small area of Blackburn for litter pick-up plus provide you with garbage bags and latex gloves. The litter and recyclables can be brought back to the

Paper Shredding Day

Blackburn Community Hall 190 Glen Park Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

As part of our Spring Cleanup event, Residents will have an opportunity to bring personal documents to be shredded for free. In addition there will be an education table on crime activity of personal property in the area.

Community Garage Sale

Blackburn Hamlet Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Were you inspired to declutter your home this winter, but have yet to have a chance to get rid of everything due to all the snow? Now is your chance to pass these items along, hoping they may ‘spark joy’ in someone else, and make some extra cash in the meantime! Or maybe you’ve been