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The rain didn’t stop us!

Published in The BANAR June 2005

After the first wash-out, Blackburn Hamlet residents rallied on Saturday, April 30 for the fifth annual spring community clean-up. With 140 participants, we scoured the community for litter and we found it! A mound of garbage bags was created, as children, parents and grandparents alike pitched in. A special thanks to the Life Centre for participating in this year’s event.

As always, a big thank you is extended to the volunteers who make this yearly event happen so smoothly, including the BBQ flippers, pick-up truck drivers, signs coordinator, and registration desk helpers. In particular, thanks to Corinne Puddicombe, Bill Smith, and Rainer Bloess and staff for all their help.

We can all make a difference if we pitch in – keep it up throughout the year, Blackburn Hamlet!

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