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Spring clean-up a success — again!

Published in The BANAR June 2002
by Barb Sweazey

Avery enthusiastic group of 106 Blackburn residents helped to cleanup the neighbourhood on Saturday, April 27th. Interestingly, because of the hard work from last year and recent clean-up efforts of the local schools and the City, we actually didn’t have to collect quite as much garbage this year!

Nonetheless, we couldn’t have gathered all the litter we did without the help of each and every volunteer. A big thank you also goes out to both Loeb and Shoppers Drug Mart for their generous support of our event. Finally, many thanks to all those who helped out in other ways, such as organizing the clean-up routes, transporting waste back to the Community Centre, and flipping the burgers!

Congratulations Blackburn — you’re looking good!

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