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Spring Clean-up a Success

Published in The BANAR June 2009
by Barb Sweazey

Despite the prediction of cold temperatures and the threatening rain clouds, the eighth annual Blackburn Hamlet Community Clean-up, held on April 18, was a success. Approximately 125 participants came out to help with the community spring cleaning. In addition to our brigade of litter elimination squads and graffiti-removal teams, many Blackburn Hamlet residents also participated in this year’s event by dropping off used household batteries. While we could not get an accurate measurement of all the batteries collected, my guess would be about 200 lbs (judging from the way Rainer Bloess’ van sank when we loaded up the batteries en route to the City recycling program)!

This event, supported by the Blackburn Community Association, is always a success each year because of the many dedicated volunteers that help out so generously. This year, many thanks goes out to Corinne Campbell, Paula Rosenquist, Lynn Leduc and BBQ team, Laura Czekaj, Mary and Bill Smith, Ken McEwen and his gang of helpers, Roger Smiley, Helen Rousseau, and many others. ShelleyWhite, one of the owners of the Blackburn Hamlet Tim Horton’s, provided complimentary coffee and donuts. Additional support came from Councilor Rainer Bloess and his staff, who provided door prizes for participants and arranged for the disposal of the collected batteries. Thanks to each and every one of you who took the time to help clean up theHamlet this spring. It is great to see your faces each year, as we show our pride in our great neighbourhood.

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