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Spring 2023 Community Closet!

WHEN: April 15, 2023 9am to 5pm
WHERE: Blackburn Community Hall, 190 Glen Park Drive

DROP-OFF: Drop off clothing donations starting February 1 at 9 Catalpa Court or 2188 Orient Park Dr. Do you have enough JOY in your closet? Do you want to refresh your wardrobe and support sustainable fashion?

Then you absolutely cannot miss our Spring Community Closet event organized by the BCA’s Environment Committee!

Bring your friends, family and loved ones to the Community Hall on April 15. We will have a variety of new-to-you clothing that is freshly laundered, free, and ready to be rocked by you!

To ensure we are creating an inclusive space at our swap, we will be inviting participants to come according to the following schedule:

  • 9am to 11 am: seniors and adults who benefit from a quiet environment
  • 11am to 1 pm: families
  • 1pm to 5pm: everyone

Donations for the swap will be accepted from February. 1. Please provide gently used clothing donations only (we will not accept accessories, shoes, or undergarments). Drop off at 9 Catalpa Court or 2188 Orient Park Drive.

We are looking for volunteers to help on April 15. Email to sign-up!

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