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Blackburn Hamlet Tick Talk

Published in The BANAR, August 2023

On July 9, several community leaders and residents attended a focus group on ticks and Lyme Disease, the purpose of which was to: learn more about ticks and Lyme Disease, share experiences, learn ways to help mitigate risks in Blackburn Hamlet, and start developing a plan. A big thank you to all those who participated!

Why is it important for us?

Lyme disease is a tick-borne disease caused by a bacteria transmitted to humans by the blacklegged tick during a tick bite (if the tick is infected with the bacteria). Lyme disease can have debilitating effects on humans and pets. Blacklegged ticks and instances of Lyme disease are increasing in the Ottawa area. We love our greenspace and want to continue being able to use it safely with our pets. We hope that this focus group and the outcome of our discussions will help put us in the best position possible to mitigate our risks for tick bites and contracting Lyme Disease.

Key learnings:

1) DEER ARE UBERS FOR TICKS. Have you ever been offered a beverage or snack in an Uber? Have you ever taken an Uber with your kids? Deer are Ubers for ticks! They not only feed ticks but they also transport them and their hatchlings to new destinations! For those property owners abutting parks, maybe reconsider feeding or attracting deer to your yard!

2) CHECK FOR TICKS. We improved and increased our handwashing since COVID, now let’s do the same for tick checks! After being outdoors, check yourself, your pets and your loved ones for ticks.

3) USE “BUG SPRAY”. Whether it is chemical or plant-based repellents, consider applying bug spray before going outdoors!

What is next?

  • Expect to start seeing more discussions, posts, articles and information about ticks and a proposed plan for Blackburn Hamlet this fall/winter
  • Creation of a proactive group of residents and stakeholders dedicated to tackling this issue in Blackburn
  • Don’t be surprised to see people in white jumpsuits on our trails, they are University of Ottawa Uptick researchers catching ticks and mice to test for Lyme disease (while ticks bite, don’t worry the researchers don’t, and come say hi!)

Thank you to Dr. Manisha Kulkarni and Dr. Roman McKay (University of Ottawa Uptick Project) for connecting us with the University of Montreal, which is conducting this study – and of course, thank you to Camille Guillot (University of Montreal) for leading the focus group.

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