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Adopt a Tree – Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who applied to adopt one of our fruit trees/shrubs this year through Adopt a Tree.

Please join us in congratulating: Sophie & Eric who adopted Rose the Canada Plum; Alexander and Janelle who adopted Penny the Pin Cherry; Stephen and Dawn who adopted Vibury the Highbush Cranberry; and Mary who adopted Sam the Black Elderberry! Congratulations to all of you and enjoy your leaf-babies!

Events such as these are made possible through the ideas, help and advice of valuable volunteers. A special thanks to Sarah and Chris for leading this event!

This was the first time we held this event. Do you think we should hold it next year? Any types of trees or shrubs you would be interested in? Send us your feedback at

If you want to be the first to find out about any events, initiatives or opportunities to volunteer please email (Trees) or (Environment) and we will include you on our distribution list!

Highbush Cranberry Pin Cherry Elderberry Canada Plum

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