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A cleaner Blackburn

The success of Spring Clean Up Day
Lisa Margeson, BCA Treasurer

A big thanks to the participants in the 2023 Spring Clean-Up day! You made a very noticeable improvement in the Hamlet’s appearance. Despite a forecast of rain, over 160 individuals, young and not-so-young, participated in collecting garbage in each of the parks in Blackburn, the sides of Innes, Cleroux, Tauvette and Glen Park, the parking lots of the three malls and the big forested area both south and northwest of Blackburn. Included in the “findings” were several tires, barbed wire, poles, folding chairs, a trombone mouthpiece and a very old street sign. Thanks to Christine Bussieres, Tim Hortons, Shoppers Drug Mart and Metro for donations towards the barbecue for the participants. The city of Ottawa provided some garbage bags and plastic gloves through their Cleaning the Capital Program. Let’s keep up the clean look!

Spring Cleanup 2023

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