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2018 Spring Clean-up a Huge Success

Published in The BANAR June, 2018

2018 Spring Clean-up

With the arrival of the first nice day of spring, the 18th annual Blackburn Hamlet Spring Clean Up, held on Saturday, April 21st was a huge success!

This year was one of the biggest turnouts with over 150 volunteers who cleaned up areas all over the Hamlet. Thank you to everyone who came out and helped to clean up our community! We picked up a mountain of garbage—you just can’t see it because it’s hidden by all the people in the group photo!

Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with event planning, registration coordination, and the entire BBQ crew—you were amazing!

Special thanks to our local Tim Hortons for providing free coffee, hot chocolate and Tim Bits for all the volunteers, and our local Metro for their assistance with the BBQ supplies.

Thanks as well to Jeff Miller for driving around the Hamlet to pick up the bags of garbage, to our former councilor Rainer Bloess for the numerous door prizes, and to Jody Mitic for his environment themed door prize.

And most of all, thank you to Barb Sweazey, who (despite having moved away) has been organizing this event for 18 years!

This event was brought to you by the Environment and Transportation Committee, and sponsored by the Blackburn Hamlet Community Association.

Thanks again to everyone and see you next year!

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