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2548 Cleroux Cres.

This application is to consider the zone amendments for six City owned sites to accommodate residential development, which will include affordable units. These sites have been identified as part of the Housing Accelerator Fund initiative to “Accelerate Disposal and Preparation of City-owned Lands for Housing.”

The subject site located in Blackburn Hamlet, with frontage on Cléroux Crescent and is currently vacant with a short existing driveway. The Blackburn Hamlet Bypass abuts the site to the south. It is surrounded by a mix of low-rise residential uses, including detached homes, townhouses and low-rise apartments, as well the Greenbelt. This site is approximately 1.5 kilometres from Blackburn Hamlet’s commercial area, offering services and amenities.

Currently, this site is zoned R2N. Proposed amendments will permit townhouses, stacked townhouses or a low-rise apartment up to four storeys in height. The site is anticipated to accommodate approximately ten units. The site specific zoning proposes to eliminate rear yard area requirement and amend a number of other development requirements. Minimum resident and visitor parking space rates are proposed to be eliminated.

More information can be found on the City of Ottawa website.

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