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2506 Innes Rd.

The property is located on the south side of Innes Road, east of Glen Park Drive and west of Beddoe Lane in Blackburn Hamlet.

The surrounding parcels of land are zoned for residential and commercial uses, a planned unit development with two three-storey townhouse dwellings to the west, commercial uses to the east, and two-storey townhouse dwellings to the south.

The subject property has an area of 3,948 square metres (0.39 ha) and contains a service station building and office, which has ceased operations.

The applicant is proposing to redevelop the site with two three-storey buildings, Building A is parallel to Innes Road and has 20 units, Building B abuts the westerly lot line and has 24 units. A surface parking area with 58 motor vehicle parking spaces is located behind Building A and is accessed via a two-lane driveway. Two outdoor bicycle areas are provided with a total of 25 bicycle spaces. Amenity space is provided outside in the rear yard and via private balconies. Waste storage is at the rear of the site.

The subject site is zoned Arterial Mainstreet Zone, Subzone 11, urban exception 2208 (AM11[2208]). The subzone is specific to Blackburn Hamlet which recognizes the character of the Innes Road Mainstreet and includes active street frontage provisions. Stacked Dwelling are permitted and are defined as a residential use building of four or fewer storeys in height containing four or more principal dwelling units where the units are divided horizontally and vertically, and in which each dwelling unit has an independent entrance to the interior. There are 38 protected trees on the adjacent and subject properties. Nine protected trees will be retained, the remainder will be removed.

More information can be found on the City of Ottawa website.

2506 Innes road

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