All 3 Outdoor Rinks are Open!
In case you have not noticed, our Rinks volunteers were very busy restoring the ice after the recent thaw. Thanks to their efforts, the rinks at Norman Johnston, Bearbrook and Michael Budd are now open!
In case you have not noticed, our Rinks volunteers were very busy restoring the ice after the recent thaw. Thanks to their efforts, the rinks at Norman Johnston, Bearbrook and Michael Budd are now open!
Due to poor weather conditions, the Outdoor Rinks are closed. Our volunteers will resume working on the ice once the cold weather returns.
We are happy to announce the opening of Norman Johnston Outdoor Rink today. Those looking to go for a skate, the huts at both the Bearbrook and Norman Johnston rinks will be open daily during the holidays from noon until 10pm. We continue to work
Our volunteers have been hard at work the last few weeks and are excited to open Bearbrook Outdoor rink today ahead of the holidays. Heated hut will be open from noon until 10pm. If you are looking for outdoor activities, come out for a skate!
Published in The BANAR November 2024 Mark Lister The BCA is seeking ice-making volunteers as well as rink attendants for the 2025 season. If you are interested in volunteering for our ice-making team or being a rink attendant, or want to learn more, please email
The BCA and the City of Ottawa are aware of recent changes made by the Good Shepherd School on their property adjacent to the rink. The City and the School are working to resolve issues with the berm that was inadvertently installed on City property