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Bridge Club

Blackburn Hamlet Bridge Club

Matchpoint % results for session played on XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Place North & South Percent Pair # 1st Name goes here test 2nd Name goes here2 3rd Name goes here3 4th Name goes here4 5th 6th 7th Place East & West Percent Pair # 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Average Rubber Bridge Score (indicates whether

Hockey Day

Winter Carnival

Winter Carnival/Hockey Day in the Hamlet! The Blackburn Hamlet Community Association (BCA) holds their Winter Carnival/Hockey Day activities on the Family Day long weekend, weather permitting. There will be gifts, prizes food & refreshments available at no charge. Participants are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item or cash donation for the Food Bank. If

Kids on Bikes

Children’s Bike Rodeo / Rodéo à vélo pour les jeunes

Things You and Your Kids Need To Know: Children should be comfortable on a bike (training wheels and scooters acceptable) Certified Bike Helmets are required for bikes and scooters Bike must be in safe mechanical condition All participants must wear an approved proper-fitting helmet and closed toe shoes. Parent or Guardian must provide a signed waiver form at check-in.

BCA Garage Sale

Community Garage Sale

Think green! Were you inspired to declutter your home this winter, but have yet to have a chance to get rid of everything due to all the snow? Now is your chance to pass these items along, hoping they may ‘spark joy’ in someone else, and make some extra cash in the meantime! Or maybe