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Environmental Committee make plans for 2003

Published in The BANAR November 2002 by Caroline Harris-McDonald An environmental committee of the Blackburn Community Association is now up and running. A variety of activities are planned including: Environmental evenings focusing on such issues as energy efficiency. Hopefully scheduled for November so keep an

Spring Clean-up

Spring clean-up a success — again!

Published in The BANAR June 2002 by Barb Sweazey Avery enthusiastic group of 106 Blackburn residents helped to cleanup the neighbourhood on Saturday, April 27th. Interestingly, because of the hard work from last year and recent clean-up efforts of the local schools and the City,


Environmental Fair 2002 on April 6th

Published in The BANAR April 2002 by Barbara Sweazey A morning of “green learning” is scheduled for the first Saturday in April. A highly competent panel of speakers has graciously agreed to share their knowledge, concerns and suggestions on a variety of environmental issues with

White Clover

Organic Gardening and Lawn Care

Published in The BANAR June 2001 “Clover tends to stay green throughout drought and insects attacks which would damage grass.” Ed Lawrence, CBC Radio “Ontario Today” Gardening Expert and Chief of Greenhouse and Grounds Services, National Capital Commission, On the evening of May 17th several

Cleanup 2001

2001 Spring Clean-up A Success

Blackburn Hamlet’s Spring Clean-up 2001 was a great success! Blackburn residents scoured roadsides and ditches, forests and parks and the community gardens and streams. In all over 100 bags of litter were collected by more than 70 volunteers on the morning of April 28. In