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Garden Tour 2023

Another Successful BCA Garden Tour

Published in The BANAR, August 2023 Cynthia Hoisak How do you push the boundaries from last year’s successful garden tour, to a more wonderful one this year? You add two wonderful musicians, a vocalist with a keyboard, and two master gardeners to answer questions, to

Rain Barrel

Rain Barrels for Sale!

The BCA Beautification Team is in planning mode and we need your help! Purchase a rain barrel through our affiliated fundraiser to support the environment and development of our gateway gardens. Order now and get it delivered right to your door or pick up at

Blackburn in Bloom

Beautifying Blackburn

By Miriam Hampson Communities like Blackburn Hamlet are fortunate to have an incredible legacy of wonderful volunteers who help enrich our neighborhood in so many ways. Recently, I took a moment to read previous issues of the BANAR on the BCA website. These past BANAR