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CANCER CHASE 2023 wrap-up

Karl Frangian and Don Kelly,
Cancer Chase Co-Chairs 2023

With the dedicated support of many volunteers Cancer Chase 2023 was once again a success. This year’s efforts raised $12,900 for cancer research at the Ottawa Hospital. Throughout the years Cancer Chase has donated over $300,000 to the Ottawa Hospital.

This year’s Cancer Chase had a new wrinkle in that it was held in Convent Glen at the Cairine Wilson High School as a collaboration between the BCA and the Convent Glen Woods Community Association (CGWCA). The BCA efforts to develop partnerships bodes well for the potential to expand this event to include all communities of East Ottawa.

The Cancer Chase event requires a diverse group of volunteers to make it happen and this year was no exception. The event includes two specific activities, the 5K Walk/Run and the Silent Auction. The 5K Walk/Run was expertly organized and administered by Christian & Manon Dussault and their team from the Orleans Parkrun. Unlike previous years every runner/walker was provided with a device that recorded everyone’s walk/run time. A blessing for some; others not so much. As well every participant received a Swag Bag, courtesy of the Blackburn Pharmacy, containing useful household items. Plus, this new run/walk area has incredible capacity to handle a larger Cancer Chase event, should it happen.

To accommodate the various activities a series of tents, courtesy of the Frangian Family, were positioned along the property of the Cairine Wilson High School. The use of the property was made possible through the outstanding support of Jessica Jalbout and Deborah Latham of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board. A big thanks also goes out to Sonia Marcotte and the Kelly/Cadieux family who took charge of the Silent Auction and were able to sell over $4,000 of the donated items. To Angie, Brent, Pauls 1,2,3, Robert and many others, we say Thanks for your support. A special thanks must also be given to PSMK First Aid Training Inc. for their professional support in ensuring medical support was available. And, to Natasha de Sousa and her team from the Ottawa Hospital Foundation for their efforts in administering all financial matters. This year we had representation from the Ottawa Police Services (Constable Marc Leroux) and the Ottawa Fire Services (Station 52) so a big thanks goes to the City of Ottawa for their help in adding a new look to the event. Lastly, we owe a big thanks to all of those participants who ran/walked in the 5K journey or were there to snatch up those fantastic bargains at the Silent Auction. To everyone, THANKS, and hope you can join us next year.


The events we do for our community do not get done without the incredible support of the individuals and businesses who provide us with generous donations of products and funds. Our support this year came from many different areas of our region. How about that craft beer experience from Beau’s All-Natural Brewing Company in Vankleek Hill or the colorful Stained Glass from Golden Paw Designs of Barrhaven, or perhaps the bountiful Gift Basket from Farm Boy in Orleans, tickets from the RedBlacks, Gift Cards from Gabriel Pizza and our own Budd Gardens. These are just some of our incredible supporters. Bravo to all! The list of all of our wonderful contributors is shown below.

The BCA gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the City of Ottawa and the support of Councilor Dudas. L’Association Communautaire de Blackburn remercie sincèrement la Ville d’Ottawa de son soutien financier et du support de Conseillère Dudas.


  • Frangian Family
  • Sandra Crabtree
  • Lafarge Canada


  • Sapience Financial Management Inc.
  • DFK Services
  • Your Way Snow and Lawn Inc.
  • Blackburn Community Association
  • Barbara Whitaker


  • Vie Esthetic Studio, Blackburn Hamlet
  • The Hamlet Veterinary Hospital
  • Blackburn Physiotherapy
  • Courtyard Restaurant
  • Lapierre Law Office
  • Tim Horton, Blackburn Hamlet
  • Orleans Bowling
  • Beau’s Brewing Co.
  • Blackburn Chiropractor Clinic
  • Kowalski Hearing Solutions
  • National Arts Centre
  • Pharma Choice
  • The Meadows Golf & Country
  • Club on behalf of Tom Scott
  • Farm Boy Orleans
  • Budd Gardens
  • TD Wealth Trust
  • Maz Karimjee
  • Metro, Convent Glen
  • Blackburn Shoppes Dental Centre
  • Ottawa Redblacks
  • Petro Canada, Blackburn Hamlet
  • Cosmic Adventures
  • Blackburn Pharmacy
  • Biggs Restaurant
  • Boston Pizza
  • Gabriel Pizza
  • Abboud Optical
  • Investment Planning Council
  • Mid East Food Company
  • Paul Whitaker
  • Shindao Martial Arts
  • Running Room
  • PSMK First Aid Training
  • Patti Linn

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