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Cancer Chase 2017 Partners with Michele Karen Chung Legacy Endowment Fund

Michel Karen ChungIn a wonderful example of how chance can bring together like minded partners, the 2017 Cancer Chase partnered with organizers from the Ottawa Hospital Foundation’s Michele Karen Chung Legacy Endowment Fund for Oncology to benefit cancer fighting causes.

Briefly, Michele Karen grew up with many close high school friends and connections in Blackburn Hamlet. She had a full and rich life in so many ways, and died of breast cancer at age 29. Her family started a fund at the Ottawa Hospital Foundation to raise money for equipment for cancer patients. Cancer Chase exists to provide funding for cancer research.

The 2017 Cancer Chase took place close to the 15th anniversary of her death and a week after the event she would have been 44.

We continue to encourage community support of the world class research at the Ottawa Hospital on cancer fighting immune system research.

To read more about Michele click here

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