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Would I show my Garden again? You bet!

Published in The BANAR September 1998
by Claire Geoffrion

Last fall when the garden tour was announced, I thought – why not? This spring I took particular care to plant the vegetable garden in very straight rows and fancy patterns. A full weeding took place in May, the edges recut to make them look nice.

The week before the tour a rumbling sense of panic set in. What did I get myself into? It was hot, I didn’t sleep well turning over in my mind what was left to be done: what if it rains all week, the grass must be mowed the day before, this corner still needs to be weeded, this plant is not doing well and may need to be replaced, can I cut off the tulip leaves yet, why aren’t the carrots growing, scrub the bird bath, I need an annual in this space, and on and on. I started to go out at 6.30 in the morning to beat the heat, the rain and the weeds.

On the Friday we met and visited all the gardens of the tour. Everyone was enthusiastic and I realized that this was going to work. The gardens were so different, so interesting and so beautiful. Sunday morning, a last inspection, then I attend the talk at Bearbrook Court, have a quick lunch and on the first stroke of noon a lady walks up the driveway.

I can’t get over the nice people who come and visit. They all have smiles on their faces in spite of the heat and humidity. They seem very pleased to be here, they’re wearing their Sunday best and their nice straw hats. They’re concerned about walking on the grass, they are very knowledgeable (I learned a lot about my own garden that afternoon). They are admiring my flowers (I didn’t even know some of them were unusual!). It is like a big garden party with close friends. People come and go all afternoon. At the end of the day I am dead on my feet, my voice is hoarse and I’m on a high! I have a feeling of having made many new friends and we had so much in common!

Gail, Evelyn and Doris, you had such a wonderful idea, thank you for making it a reality! Would I do it again – you bet!

Garden Tour Winner

Rita and Sam Hill are presented with the Garden of Distinction award.
From 1 to r: Doris Budd, Rita and Sam Hill, Gail Kajiura and Evelyn

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