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Flowering Gardens

As part of a spring 2021 BCA initiative, flowering gardens were created around the two Blackburn Hamlet Gateway signs and the Art Sculpture at the corner of Sienna Living. The goal was to help make these main entry points into Blackburn more attractive and welcoming.

Flowers at Blackburn Hamlet Entrance SignA special thank you to the 20 volunteers who helped water these gardens over the spring and summer months: Erik Leicht, Monica deRomer, Veronica Verner, Karen Barrington, OS Hoch, Richard Manicom, Esther Cormier, Heather McCuaig Edge, Devon Ellis, Cynthia Millan, Denise and Beatriz Abreu de Oliveira, Isabel Mainville, Don Kelly, Sarah Morgan-White, Christine Varley, Dana Brown, Garth Hampson, Les and Lorraine Nalezinski. The gardens remained in full bloom up to mid October and have survived everything from late snow, slimy slugs, drought and hot weather! Thank you for lugging many litres of water to these locations and keeping these gardens alive over the past 7 months!

In early August, the construction around the sign of the East entrance to Blackburn was completed along with repairs to the base retaining wall courtesy of Enbridge. Budd Gardens very generously donated beautiful perennials to help create an attractive new garden at this entry point into our lovely community. Thank you also to Diane Froeber, Heather Bracken, Helen Borodajluk, Elizabeth Joseph and Karen Green for donating perennials from their own gardens. Thank you also to Christopher Shaeen,

Metro’s Store Manager, for decorative and seasonal pumpkin donations. A special mention has to go to Garth Hampson who was instrumental in getting all of these garden projects completed. At 87 years old, he continues to happily dig, plant, trim the grass around these gardens daily with his own whipper snipper and regularly removes old blooms or weeds from all four gardens. His energy and love of flowers is inspiring!

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