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Blackburn in Bloom Photo Contest

The Blackburn Community Association (BCA) Beautification Committee is holding a Blackburn in Bloom Photo Contest between June 1 and July 11, 2022. This photo contest will give residents the opportunity to showcase the wonderful gardens and greenspaces that make Blackburn beautiful! Three winners will be selected.

Photos must be submitted on Facebook, Twitter or by e-mail. 

  1. Facebook: Share photos to the Blackburn Hamlet Community Association Facebook page [] and use the hashtag #BlackburninBloom
  2. Twitter: Be sure to tag the Blackburn Hamlet Twitter account @BlackburnOttawa and use the hashtag #BlackburnInBloom
  3. Email: Send photos to and include “Photo Contest” in the subject line of the email.

Please include a caption to explain the photo. For example, what is in the photo or why you chose to capture this photo.

By submitting the photo, you are giving the BCA permission to share the photo, either on social media, via email, on the BCA website, or in the BANAR.

Photos must be of gardens or nature (e.g., plants, flowers, trees), and taken in Blackburn Hamlet or surrounding area.

To protect privacy please do not include people or buildings. Photos that include people who are not identifiable (e.g., photo does not include faces) will be accepted.

This contest was made possible thanks to the funding through BCA.

Wildlife – Devon Henderson

Cupids comyntas. The Eastern tailed blue butterfly. It landed on a stem of grass and sat peacefully, letting me get close enough for a photo. It was captured for its beautiful blue colour.

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