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Another successful Garden Tour!

Published in The BANAR September 2024
Cynthia Hoisak

We did it for the third year in a row – another successful garden tour, here in the Hamlet. There were 14 gardens open for viewing, each one unique in style, design and plantings. Who knew there was so much creativity going on in those backyards, and behind the fences and hedges!

To enhance the garden settings on both days were several musicians. On Sunday, Garth Hampson was singing with Pat Messier on the keyboard, in John and Gloria Peddie’s back garden. They were not alone, as about 60 seated guests listened to his beautiful voice and watched Pat’s dancing fingers.

Annette and Wilbrod Leclerc took on double duty hosting on both days. On Saturday it was Tim McFarland and his band, the Hunks and Punks, who filled the air for several hours with lovely cocktail music of days gone by. Sunday, it was Jenifir and David Thies-Thompson whose magical flute and viola performances wowed the visitors.

Three Master Gardeners kept busy on Sun day for four hours at Cynthia Hoisak’s backyard patio table. Answers were found to the many questions put to them by Belinda Boekhoven, Pauline Yelle, and Candace Dressler.

There were also five plein air artists who set up their easels, either in their own gardens, or others. Resident artists Pierre Cloutier and Supattana Bolger, displayed their works for all to see. In Jean Clark and Guy Moreau’s garden was Dulce Juvet, and in Isobel Hubble’s garden was Marion Jean Hall, both engrossed in drawing whatever inspired them. And in my own garden, my granddaughter Zoe Michel Hoisak managed to capture in miniature the large hypertufa filled with succulents and a tiny pine tree.

The clay pots for donations to the Lifecentre Food Bank overflowed with coins and bills. $1,732.90 was raised, and the BCA contributed another $500, for a grand total of $2,232.90. A big thank you goes out to the BCA, for their assistance and contributions in helping to make this event happen.

And not least, to all the gardeners: without your time, hard work, and generosity in opening your gardens for all to see, it would have been just a normal weekend here in the Hamlet.

Kudos to Miriam Hampson whose invaluable knowledge and help made it all come together.

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