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The Blackburn Community Association (BCA) periodically provides funding to individuals and groups within the BCA catchment area, where A) the funding is of benefit to a reasonable number of community members, and B) recipient projects align with the association’s mission and values.

The BCA maintains a list of organizational funding priorities; decisions will be made using the priority list as a guide. Exceptions may occur under special circumstances if the Board expresses agreement via a majority vote. Requests over $5000 must be publicized to BCA members for at least 30 days in advance of a decision. For applications to be considered, the funding application must be completed in full and must include a budget detailing the requesting organization’s revenues and expenditures; highlighting the impact this funding would have to the overall budget. Requests will only be confirmed as approved by the Board Executive in writing. Please note that submissions may require up to 90 days for BCA approval.

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Organization Information