All programs run by the Blackburn Community Association (BCA) rely heavily on dedicated volunteers to achieve success.  Thanks to our volunteers who manage rinks, tackle environmental issues, enhance the beauty of our community, support our seniors and youth, work to improve the safety of our neighbourhood and run events large and small. Without them. we would not be able to deliver services to our beautiful community.

If you can help us maintain and improve these services or if you would like to lead a new program or event supported by the BCA, please let us know!

  • Volunteer Appreciation!
    On Saturday May 25th, the BCA held a Volunteer Appreciation Party to celebrate all of the volunteers who help make our community such a great place to live.  Thanks to Just Food for letting us use their beautiful barn loft and the Fake McCoys for entertaining the crowd. During the event, Angie Jodoin was presented
  • BCA Volunteer Appreciation Event!
    INVITATION TO ALL BCA VOLUNTEERS This Saturday, May 25, the Blackburn Community Association is having a Volunteer Appreciation Day at the Just Food farm on Tauvette, starting at 2pm. The BCA would like to invite all of our loyal volunteers to join us for some delicious food, supplied by Meatings Barbecue and music by the
  • BCA Board 2024
    With over 40 attendees, this year’s Annual General Meeting had the largest community participation in many years and we are thankful that so many people came out to show their support! We are excited to announce Jeff Miller as our newly elected President of the Board. In addition to Jeff returning to the BCA board

Volunteer News Archive

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